Een echte American hero…

Uit The Colbert Report (een briljant satirisch nieuwsprogramma in de VS dat waargebeurde verhalen op ironische, cynische of sarcastische wijze meldt) van deze week:

This week’s alpha dog is American hero David h. Brooks, former c.e.o. of d.h.b. Industries, a defense contractor that makes body armour for the military, who describes himself on his own web site as: Brooks, the man, the myth, the legendary humanitarian.

Now, in these tough economic times, you might think a man who profits off war would keep the extravagant spending to a minimum, but not the big dog, Dave Brooks, who is currently on trial for a $185 million stock fraud and for using more than $6 million of our tax money for personal expenses, including a $100,000 american flag belt buckle encrusted with rubies, sapphires and diamonds.
Which makes it a patriotic duty to salute his crotch.

I assume he bought that belt buckle with money he didn’t spend on improving his bullet-proof vest, which were recalled in 2005 on the technicality that… they didn’t stop bullets.

Other money he didn’t spend improving the vest went towards a facelift for his wife and pornographic videos for his son. Although I seriously doubt his son will see anything more pornographic than his father fucking over our troops to buy a facelift for his mother.

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