Sleep deprivation and…. extremely good news!!!

This message will be in English, just this once. I arrived in Brussels earlier today, after an extremely long trip. The trip from the airport to the symposium was supposed to last only 40 minutes. But because of an accident it cost me 5,5 hours! Directly after my arrival I had to participate in the opening ceremony of the global business and leadership symposium. At the end of the night I even had to lead a brainstorm session with about 25 way too energetic people, but that was ok, because by then I had been without sleep for only a mere 41 hours…. And now I am finally in my hotelroom. But I can not sleep. And here’s why…

I just received news from Washington DC! Finally! And… it is GOOD news. Really GOOD news. Well, at least for me it is. I have been offered a job by the Democratic National Committee in the national campaign team for the US presidential elections. For the last 5 months of the campaign, I will be working in the national headquarters of the DNC, directly under Michael Gehrke, project leader of ‘Democratic Victory 2008’.

The way I got this job is a story in itself. When I went to Washington DC last week, I went there to talk to some people who could tell me more about the campaign in general. I just wanted to talk, nothing more, maybe offer some help. So when Michael Gehrke invited me to come over, I was very happy to begin with. When I walked in, he asked me ‘What can we do for you?’, to which I replied: ‘No, what can I do for you?’. This Kennedy-quote fell in good earth, and 40 minuts later I walked out with his promise to get me a job, provided that I could get a work permit. So I have been trying to find out if that is in the range of possibilities, and it looks like it is. I will be focussing on my application for that work permit in the next weeks, after I return from the symposium here. Lots of work to do here though, today was just day 1. Three more to go.

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